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At Agassiz Village, it takes a Village to support the hundreds of children that attend our camp each summer. By joining our village you will give a child the opportunity to attend Agassiz's life-changing summer camp.

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Villagers are able to sponsor one child or an entire cabin of children during the summer at Agassiz Village. It costs $1,600 to provide a one-week summer camp experience for one child and $3,200 for a full two weeks.


You will change a child's life by:

  • Ensuring they have the social and emotional skills needed to face life's challenges and be all they can be.

  • Supporting their development as a leader in their community.

  • Expanding their world through exposure to nature, sports and recreation, and the arts.

As a thank you, members of our village will receive: 

  • An end-of-summer update about the camper(s) your contribution helped sponsor.

  • Name recognition in Agassiz Village's Annual Report.

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